A Fish Story

Tuesday was an interesting day. We awoke to the sounds of rain about 3 in the morning. We got up and closed the hatches and windows and went back to sleep. Maury and Sandy came over for brunch and Mimosa’s. Sandy ended up doing most of the cooking. She made wonderful breakfast burrito’s. We’ve been planing on Mimosa’s for weeks now and just haven’t got around to it. Rose and Joe the champagne was great and we really appreciate it. It was my first Mimosa and I’m sure I have more in the future. 
Mimosa's with Maury and Sandy

After brunch Karen and I needed to make a run for propane. We had one tank go empty just after we left Kenosha. We made the 6 mile trip to Conway’s Amoco for a fill. Seemed it was uphill all the way. The Dahons (bicycles) really come in handy when making these short trips.
These bikes are great. Beats walking.
Afterwards Karen went to get a pedicure and I went for a jog. Got back from jogging and decide to bail the rainwater from the morning out of the dinghy. I was all sweaty from the jog and thought I would get a good workout from a brisk row in the dinghy. Karen was back and I tried to get her to come along to no avail. She stated she didn’t want to be out by the Asian Carp. We laughed and I started rowing. No shit, I got attacked. I’ve seen several other boats go through this same area with no issues. But I got creamed. My glasses got knocked off and dinghy was trashed. I ended up limping back to the wall trying not to scare anymore up. It was about two hours to clean the dinghy and get the scales, slim and blood out of may hair and off my body. Thanks Maury and Sandy for helping me clean.
Karen taking pictures, This is the start

Picture #2




Where's Waldo?

This all happened at the intersection of the Fox River and the Illinois River. They'll be up the Fox in a year or two.
I got done showering and cleaning up with about an hour to spare before Captain Jack and his wife Anna came to take us out to dinner. Hannah introduced Jack to us when she was about 6 or 7 years old. Hannah was known to strike up conversations with people in the harbor. This introduction lead to a great friendship and has lasted ever since. Jack is an interesting guy. He graduated from Elgin High back in the 50’s and was a college professor. He’s been working on / restoring a sailboat since we met and it continues to this day. I don’t know if he’ll ever finish but he enjoys his time working on Pearl Fisher and sailing her. Jack and Anna took us to “Woody’s” in Ottawa. I give it 4 stars. Karen and I both said it’s the best steak we’ve ever had. The company and conversation was wonderful also. Thanks to both of you for your kindness and generosity. They traveled an hour and a half just to take us to dinner. 

Anna, Karen Me and Jack. A great evening.

Karen and I had a nice walk back to Last Mango and added more lines and fenders to prepare for the nasty weather that's being predicted. Three inches of rain, hail and wind. We should be set for the night and Wednesday. Let’s hope it’s not too bad.


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