Sorry it's been so long
There may be eight million stories in the naked city but there are at least as many with the Sailor / Looper crowd. In my opinion people have been probably the most memorable and interesting part of the trip. We’ve met couples who have retired at 50 like Karen and I and people who have rushed the trip due to illnesses. It was good to hear “Young at Heart” tell us that it was the best move he and his wife made. They don’t regret it at all. Countless couples have told us how glad they are to see us retire early and do what we want, they’ve wished they did the same. We’ve also heard stories of people who waited too long and could no longer do the trip due to poor health. Even worse we people who passed away before being able to start enjoying retired life. The crowd is made up of doctors, accountants, dentists, mechanics, engineers, Canadian Mounties, nurses, firemen and school teachers. Lots of school teachers and nurses. The main thing that I’ve come to appreciate is people. ...